The Major Arcanas
The Major Arcana are also known as the "trump cards" of the Tarot deck. They tend to have the most meaning and have the strongest presence within the deck. There are a total of 21 Major Arcanas, starting with 0 and going all the way to XXI (21) On this page, we will have all the Major Arcana listed and have pop-outs to go into more detail about each card. Starting with the first step, "The Fools" journy.
Major Card | Description |
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0: The Fool: Is the first Major Arcana in the Tarot deck, though funnily enough, they are at position 0 in the deck. The Fool us uplifting and vulnerable as they are now. They have yet to see all of what life could throw they're way. They are unaware, yet still full of energy to face the world head-on. Where the journy begins. |
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I: The Magician: Is the second Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The Magician is unique and has many skills. It is these skills that set the Magician apart from the rest of the world. If the Magician is to visit you in your readings, you are fully prepared with the skills and knowledge needed to face your challenge or meet your goals. |
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II: The High Pristess: Is the third Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The most connected individule card in the Tarot deck. The High Pristess is always aware and urges one to listen to their inner voice and intuition. You know more than you think. The world holds no answers for you; because you already have the answers within. |
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III: The Empress: Is the fourth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. Known as "The most feminine card in the Tarot deck," the Empress encourages kindness and compassion. She is deeply connected to Nature, and it is her powerful connection to Nature that encourages you to take that kindness and compassion to the world around you. |
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IV: The Emperor: Is the fifth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The card of leadership and power. Status flows through the Emperor, and it is his endless experience that allows him to maintain that status. The Emperor reminds you to keep control over your experience and power, no matter what happens. |
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V: The Hierophant: Is the sixth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. A messanger from the heavens above. The Hierophant brings guidance from those above us, and encourages us to follow the rules set in place for us. Utilize our current perspective to find new light in our current situation. |
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VI: The Lovers: Is the seventh Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The lovers are deeply connected with one another. They represent the strong relationships in your life, and ask you to consider your current love life. They can also represent a difficult choice. If the Lovers appear in a reading, be sure to consider all possibilities and consequences of those possibilities. |
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VII: The Chariot: Is the eighth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. Drive and determination lead your path to a victory close at hand. The Chariot reminds us that great victories don't come with minimal thought and action. It is through the full might of your mind, body, and spirit, that you become an unstoppable force in the world. |
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VIII: Strength: Is the ninth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. Strength. Courage. Heart. Much like The Chariot; Strength reminds us that we are able to take on the world with our mind, body, and spirit. When Strength appears in your readings, it is a reminder that you are indeed strong enough to handle what the world throws your way. |
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IX: The Hermit: Is the tenth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The Hermit is independant, and seeks time alone. The Hermit knows that sometimes the best way to process and overcome the world is to step away from it. In this sancuary of solitude, the Hermit reminds us that when we are overwhelmed with the world, we simply need to take a step back and listen to ourselves. |
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X: Wheel of Fortune: Is the eleventh Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The Wheel of Fortune. Chaos, disorder, life itself. The wheel of Fortune reminds us that the world has its ups and downs, but is still ever revolving. Nothing is permanent. Strong the storm and hold true to yourself and learn from your lessons when down. You will overcome the world again. |
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XI: Justice: Is the twelth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. Justice is a potent and forcful reminder that all actions have consequences. It reminds us that the challenges the world presents us with are challenges that we have set upon ourselves through our actions no matter how far past they are. Maintain conscience when making your choices, as they all have consequences. |
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XII: The Hanged Man: Is the thirteenth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. Not to be confused numarically with the next Tarot card. The Hanged man serves as a reminder that sometimes small sacrifices are needed to benifit from the grand scope of your situation. The Hanged man encourages you to look back at what small thing you may be holding so strongly on to, and consider letting go. |
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XIII: Death: Is the fourteenth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck, but is most known as the infamous... Death thirteen. Death may strike fear into those unknowing of its full meaning. Death is not always about physicall, emotional, or spiritual death. It is a reminder of the cycle of the world and life. All things have an end, and all things have a beginning. If Death should appear in your readings, take a step back and let the cycle take its course. It is time for new growth. |
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XIV: Temperance: Is the fifthteenth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. Temperance is the master of ones own patience and peace. Follow the stream and "go with the flow." It is important to sometimes let the world lead you down your path, though Temperance reminds us that we must remain flexable in order to make changes if the time for change should come. |
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XV: The Devil: Is the sixteenth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The Devil appears when one feels a sense of restraint, or a feeling of being powerless. The Devil appearing in your readings likely means you feel stuck in your current situation, and you feel like you no longer have any choices. This is not true. You hold the key to your own lock. |
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XVI: The Tower: Is the seventeenth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The tower brings destruction, but only appears when the world feels like it is falling apart. Let it fall. Let it crumble. It is from the rubble that you will rise again to take on the world stronger than ever. |
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XVII: The Star: Is the eighteenth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. To wish upon a star is to be hopeful. The Star brings this hope and healing and brings promises of renewal. If the Star is to appear in your readings, it means that the world is working hard in your favor and to have faith in your current situation. |
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XVIII: The Moon: Is the nineteenth Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The Moon has its dark side. It shows you may be having feelings of doubt and fear. If the Moon may appear in your readings, do not let fear and doubt force your hand in making choices. Your fears and doubts can be subdued. |
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XIX: The Sun: Is the twentith Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The Sun is powerful and uplifting and represents joy and positivity. The Sun brings light and warmth, letting you know that you are moving along the right path. Hold your head high and take in your situation. You are blessed to be where you are. |
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XX: Judgement: Is the twenty-first Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. Judgement brings your past and future together, and calls you to reflect on all your choices and action up until now. Are they taking you where you want to go? The future is not set in stone, and anything can change. Judgement is a reminder that it is never too late to make a change. |
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XXI: The World: Is the twenty-second and the last Major Arcana in the Tarot deck. The world represents completion and fulfillment. It appears in your readings when you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and you have grown from the fool you started as. It is time to begin again as the fool, and work towards the world once more. |